Injury Prevention
"An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure"
                                                             - Benjamin Franklin
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Preventable injuries cost employers billions of dollars each year.

At WorkStrong we offer an exclusive service with the goal of effectively preventing and treating musculoskeletal injured workers in the most time efficient manner possible to minimize lost time as a result of injury, delays, costs and suffering to both workers and their employers. In addition, we specialize in minimizing unnecessary reportable or recordable WCB injuries.

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Practitioner using active release on a patients shoulder
Injury Prevention
Pre-employment fitness testing and employee programs to save you money by preventing future WCB claims and lost time.
Ergonomics & Work Hardening
Ergonomic assessment, Individualized strength and mobility plans with onsite coaching & engagement tracking.
Injury Management
On-site clinic, WCB claim management, and early return to work and modified work program.


Movement Dysfunction & Injury Prevention

Movement is at the core of human function, which is precisely why it is so important to screen and assess in order to to catch dysfunction, faults, and decrease the risk of injury before they happen.

5 Steps for Conducting an Ergonomic Assessment in the Workplace

At its core, conducting a successful ergonomic assessment is a simple process: Evaluate the work environment and evaluate how your workforce interacts with that environment. Here are five foolproof steps for performing a successful ergonomic assessment: